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Management interface to a multiplexer

Object name format

The objectName for MBeans of this type is of the following form: com.pushtechnology.diffusion:type=Multiplexer,name="name",server="server_name"


Name Type Read/Write Description
latencyWarningTime long read The latency threshold of this multiplexer, after which notifications will be sent
name String read The Multiplexer name
numberOfClients int read The current number of clients assigned to multiplexer
pendingEvents int read The number of operations pending on the multiplexer queue


Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
diagnosticReport String 0 UNKNOWN Generate a diagnostic report describing the state of this multiplexer
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
startEventDiagnosticRecording void 1 UNKNOWN Start an event diagnostic recording or change the end time if a recording is already in progress
Argument name Type Description
duration long Record events for this number of milliseconds
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
stopEventDiagnosticRecording void 0 UNKNOWN Stop an event diagnostic recording. The report will be produced to the server log.


Class Name Description
javax.management.Notification Published in case of multiplexer latency (deprecated)