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Interface MissingTopicNotification

Notification that a session has made a request using a selector that does not match any topics.

Processing of the initial request will be halted until proceed is called, at which point the selector will be resolved against the topic tree again.

If after calling proceed the selector still does not match against any topics, no further notifications will be provided.

Should cancel be called, or the notification time out, the request will be discarded. The requesting session will not be notified that their request has been cancelled.


  • MissingTopicNotification






path: string

The common root topic path derived from the requested topic selector


selector: TopicSelector

The topic selector that triggered this notification


sessionID: SessionId

Session ID of the client session that triggered this notification



  • cancel(): void
  • Cancel the client request on the server.

    Calling this will prevent any further processing of the request. For subscription requests, the topic selector will be discarded. The client session will not become subscribed to topics that match the selector if they are added later.


    since 6.4

    In the future (when the legacy fetch mechanism is removed) the behavior when a subscription selector matches with no topics will be to add the selector to the session's topic selections regardless of whether this is called, and this method will become a no-op and will eventually be removed.

    Returns void


  • proceed(): void
  • Instruct the server to complete processing of the session request.

    This may be called after additional operations (such as adding topics) have been performed, to allow the requested selector to be resolved against the updated topic tree.

    For subscription requests, the topic selector will be added to the client's topic selections. This will cause the client session to become subscribed to topics that match the selector if they are added later.

    Returns void