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security.h File Reference

Functions handling authorisation, security and user credentials. More...


CREDENTIALS_Tcredentials_create_none (void)
 Create an empty set of credentials. More...
CREDENTIALS_Tcredentials_create_password (const char *password)
 Create credentials for a given password. More...
CREDENTIALS_Tcredentials_create_custom (const char *data, const unsigned long len)
 Create custom credentials, where the caller provides an opaque set of bytes. More...
void credentials_free (CREDENTIALS_T *creds)
 Free a credentials structure. More...
char * buf_read_credentials (const char *data, CREDENTIALS_T **credentials)
 Deserialise credentials from a stream of wire format data. More...
CREDENTIALS_Tcredentials_unmarshal (const BUF_T *buf)
 Deserialise a credentials structure from a wire format BUF_T. More...
BUF_Tcredentials_marshal (const CREDENTIALS_T *credentials)
 Serialise a credentials structure to wire format. More...

Detailed Description

Functions handling authorisation, security and user credentials.

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Function Documentation

char* buf_read_credentials ( const char *  data,
CREDENTIALS_T **  credentials 

Deserialise credentials from a stream of wire format data.

dataPointer the the start of a serialised credentials structure in a char array.
credentialsA created credentials structure.
A pointer to the position in the char array after the credentials structure.
CREDENTIALS_T* credentials_create_custom ( const char *  data,
const unsigned long  len 

Create custom credentials, where the caller provides an opaque set of bytes.

dataAn array of bytes representing the credentials.
lenThe length of the array.
Return values
CREDENTIALS_T *Credentials with a type of "CUSTOM".
NULLIf an error occurs.
CREDENTIALS_T* credentials_create_none ( void  )

Create an empty set of credentials.

Return values
CREDENTIALS_T *Credentials with a type of "NONE".
NULLIf an error occurs.
CREDENTIALS_T* credentials_create_password ( const char *  password)

Create credentials for a given password.

passwordThe password to encode into the credentials.
Return values
CREDENTIALS_T *Credentials with a type of "PLAIN_PASSWORD".
NULLIf an error occurs.
void credentials_free ( CREDENTIALS_T creds)

Free a credentials structure.

It is the responsibility of the caller to free any memory associated with the credentials data (either a password or custom data).

credsA set of credentials.
BUF_T* credentials_marshal ( const CREDENTIALS_T credentials)

Serialise a credentials structure to wire format.

credentialsA credentials structure to be serialised.
Return values
BUF_T *A buffer with the credentials in wire format.
NULLIf an error occurs.
CREDENTIALS_T* credentials_unmarshal ( const BUF_T buf)

Deserialise a credentials structure from a wire format BUF_T.

bufThe buffer containing the serialised credentials.
Return values
CREDENTIALS_T *A credentials structure.
NULLIf an error occurs.