Diffusion C API  6.1.5
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content.h File Reference

Defines functions that operate on the CONTENT_T data structure, which is used to wrap data used in updates to topics. More...


 DEPRECATED (CONTENT_T *content_create(const CONTENT_ENCODING_T encoding, const BUF_T *data))
 DEPRECATED (void content_free(CONTENT_T *content))
 DEPRECATED (BUF_T *content_marshal(const CONTENT_T *content))
 DEPRECATED (char *buf_read_content(const char *data, CONTENT_T **const content))
 DEPRECATED (char *buf_read_into_content(const char *data, CONTENT_T *content))
 DEPRECATED (CONTENT_T *content_unmarshal(const char *str))
 DEPRECATED (CONTENT_T *content_dup(const CONTENT_T *src))
 DEPRECATED (char *content_to_string(const CONTENT_T *content))

Detailed Description

Defines functions that operate on the CONTENT_T data structure, which is used to wrap data used in updates to topics.

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Function Documentation

DEPRECATED ( CONTENT_T content_createconst CONTENT_ENCODING_T encoding, const BUF_T *data)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Create a new CONTENT_T structure.

encodingThe encoding type (only NONE is supported at the moment).
dataA pointer to a BUF_T containing data to be wrapped in the CONTENT_T. The BUF_T is copied, so the source can be freed by the caller.
A new CONTENT_T structure, or NULL on error.
DEPRECATED ( void   content_freeCONTENT_T *content)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Free all memory associated with a CONTENT_T.

contentThe CONTENT_T to be freed.
DEPRECATED ( BUF_T content_marshalconst CONTENT_T *content)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Serialise a CONTENT_T to bytes for transmission to Diffusion.

contentThe CONTENT_T to be marshalled.
A pointer to a newly allocated BUF_T containing the serialised data, or NULL if an error occurs.
DEPRECATED ( char *  buf_read_contentconst char *data, CONTENT_T **const content)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Read a CONTENT_T structure from a char array. If content is NULL the data will be serialised but omitted.

dataThe char array containing the serialised CONTENT_T
contentThe location to store a newly allocated CONTENT_T
A pointer to the first char following the serialised CONTENT_T in the char array, or NULL on error.
DEPRECATED ( char *  buf_read_into_contentconst char *data, CONTENT_T *content)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Read a CONTENT_T structure from a char array. The destination CONTENT_T structure must exist (ie, cannot be NULL) and will be replaced with the deserialised data.

dataThe char darray containing the serialised CONTENT_T
contentThe location of an existing CONTENT_T structure.
A pointer to the first char following the serialised CONTENT_T in the char array, or NULL on error.
DEPRECATED ( CONTENT_T content_unmarshalconst char *str)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Deserialise bytes from Diffusion to a CONTENT_T structure.

strThe bytes to be unmarshalled.
A pointer to a newly allocated CONTENT_T, or NULL if an error occurs.
DEPRECATED ( CONTENT_T content_dupconst CONTENT_T *src)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Create a deep-copy duplicate of a CONTENT_T structure.

srcThe CONTENT_T to be copied.
A newly allocated CONTENT_T, or NULL if in error occurs.
DEPRECATED ( char *  content_to_stringconst CONTENT_T *content)
This function is deprecated from version 6.1 onwards, and may be removed.

Utility function for taking a copy of the data in a CONTENT_T, and returning it as a NULL-terminated string.

contentThe source CONTENT_T
A newly allocated pointer to a NULL-terminated string of characters.