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Cross domain policies

Cross domain policies grant permission to communicate with servers other than the one the client is hosted on.

Cross-domain XML file

The cross-domain policy is defined in an XML file

A cross-domain policy file is an XML document that grants a web client permission to handle data across multiple domains. When a client hosts content from a particular source domain and that content makes requests directed towards a domain other than its own, the remote domain must host a cross-domain policy file that grants access to the source domain, allowing the client to continue with the transaction. Policy files grant read access to data, permit a client to include custom headers in cross-domain requests, and are also used with sockets to grant permissions for socket-based connections.

For example, say that the Diffusion™ client is loaded from static.example.com and the connection URL to the Diffusion client is http://streaming.example.com, a crossdomain.xml file must be loaded from static.example.com

A crossdomain.xml is required if one of the following is true:

  • You are using Diffusion as a streaming data server and a separate web server which are on different domains
  • The Diffusion connection type is HTTP or HTTPS
  • You are not using a load balancer to HTTP rewrite Diffusion traffic
Note: You cannot use the iframe streaming transport with cross-domain requests. This is not supported by Diffusion .