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Using JConsole

You can manage Diffusion™ using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) system management console JConsole.

Connecting to the Diffusion connector server

Figure 1. JConsole New Connection dialog: Remote Process Screenshot of the New Connection dialog in JConsole. The dialog displays the choices "Local Process" and "Remote Process". "Remote Process" is selected. Beneath "Remote Process" is a field that contains the connection information for the remote process in the format hostname : port, and the fields Username and Password. The dialog has the buttons "Connect" and "Cancel".
In the Remote Process section of JConsole's New Connection dialog, enter the following information:
  • The host name and remote method invocation (RMI) registry port of the Diffusion connector server. The default RMI registry port is 1099.
  • The username and password of a principal that you have configured to be able to use MBeans. For more information, see Configuring the Diffusion JMX connector server

Connecting to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) remote connector server

Figure 2. JConsole New Connection dialog: Remote Process Screenshot of the New Connection dialog in JConsole. The dialog displays the choices "Local Process" and "Remote Process". "Remote Process" is selected. Beneath "Remote Process" is a field that contains the connection information for the remote process in the format hostname : port, and the fields Username and Password. The dialog has the buttons "Connect" and "Cancel".
Note: We recommend you use the Diffusion connector server to access the JMX service.
In the Remote Process section of JConsole's New Connection dialog, enter the following information:
  • The host name and RMI port of the Diffusion connector server. The default port is 1099.
  • A username and password that you have configured in the JVM to be able to connect to the JMX service. For more information, see Configuring a remote JMX server connector

Connecting to the JMX service

Figure 3. JConsole New Connection dialog: Local Process
Screenshot of the New Connection dialog in JConsole. The dialog displays the choices "Local Process" and "Remote Process". "Local Process" is selected. Beneath "Local Process" is a list of available processes. The list has columns Name and PID. The option com.pushtechnology.diffusion.Diffusion is selected. The dialog has the buttons "Connect" and "Cancel".

Note: We recommend you use the Diffusion connector server to access the JMX service.

In the Local Process section of JConsole's New Connection dialog, select the Diffusion process, com.pushtechnology.diffusion.Diffusion.

Once connected to JMX, several aspects of the system are available to monitor and tune. For more information, see the JConsole documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/technotes/guides/management/jconsole.html.