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Client notifications

A publisher can opt to receive certain notifications regarding clients. It does this by adding a ClientListener which can be the publisher itself or any other object that implements the ClientListener interface.

A listener is added using the Publishers.addEventListener method.

All notifications are passed a reference to the client in question which can be interrogated for further information as required.

Notifications received on the ClientListener interface are as follows:

Table 1. Client listener notifications
clientConnected This is called whenever a new client connects. It is not necessarily a client that is subscribing to one of the publisher's topics.
clientResolved This is called when a newly connected client is resolved. A client's full geographical information is not necessarily available as soon as a client connects and so this method is called separately after the client has been resolved.
clientSubscriptionInvalid This is called whenever a client attempts to subscribe to a topic that does not exist. This might be because the topic is not yet available and this gives a publisher the opportunity to create the topic and subscribe the client to it.
clientFetchInvalid This is called whenever a client attempts to fetch a topic that does not exist. This gives the publisher the opportunity to respond to fetch request on a non-existent topic. A publisher can even reply to such a request without having to create a topic using the sendFetchReply method.
clientSendInvalid This is called whenever a client attempts to send a message to a topic that does not exist, or to which the client is not subscribed. This enables a client to send a message to a topic and for that topic to be created and subscribed to on demand, or send data when a response is never expected.
clientQueueThresholdReached This is called whenever a client's queue breaches an upper queue notification threshold or returns to a lower queue notification threshold. Parameters indicate which threshold has been reached and the threshold value.
clientCredentials This is called whenever a client supplies new credentials after connection. It is called after the authentication handlers have validated the credentials.
clientClosed This is called whenever a client disconnects. The reason for disconnection can be obtained using theClient.getCloseReason method.