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Publishing using the JMS adapter

The JMS adapter can publish data from a JMS destination onto topics in the Diffusion™ topic tree.

Publishing data from a JMS destination onto a Diffusion topic

You can configure the JMS adapter to subscribe to a JMS destination and to associate that subscription with a Diffusion topic.

The Diffusion topic can be stateful or stateless, but stateful topics must be created with an initial value. For more information, see Example: Configuring topics for use with the JMS adapter.

Figure 1. JMS adapter: Publishing from JMS to Diffusion Data flow corresponding to the following description.
  1. A message is published to the JMS destination.
  2. The JMS adapter receives the JMS message.
  3. The JMS adapter transforms the JMS message into a Diffusion message. For more information, see Transforming JMS messages into Diffusion messages or updates.
  4. The JMS adapter publishes the transformed message to the Diffusion topic.
  5. Diffusion clients that are subscribed to the Diffusion topic receive the transformed message.

Publishing data from a Diffusion topic to a JMS destination

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