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Installing the Diffusion server using the headless installer

The Diffusion™ binary files are available from the Push Technology website. You can install Diffusion from the command line.

You must have Oracle® Java™ Development Kit 8 (minimum update 1.8.0_131-b11) installed on your system to install and use Diffusion.
You can install in headless mode in circumstances where the graphical installer cannot be used or is not appropriate.
  1. Go to the Diffusion download page:
  2. Click on the following download links to download the required jar files into a temporary directory:
    • Diffusion (Diffusion version_id.jar)
    • Installer (install.jar)
  3. Copy these files to a temporary directory on the system where Diffusion is to be installed.
  4. In the terminal window, change to the directory where the Diffusion jar files are located.
  5. Type the following command:
    java -jar install.jar Diffusionn.n.n.jar
    where n.n.n is the Diffusion release number.
  6. If you agree to the terms of the license agreement, type Y and Enter.
  7. Enter the full path to the directory in which to install Diffusion and type Enter.
  8. Type Y to install all packages.
    If you choose not to install all packages, the installer asks you about each package individually.
You have successfully downloaded and installed Diffusion.
  • Edit the configuration of your Diffusion server to suit your requirements. For more information, see Configuring your Diffusion server.
  • Edit the security setup of your Diffusion server.
  • Start your Diffusion server using the diffusion.bat file, if on Windows™, or the diffusion.sh file, if on Linux™ or OS X®/macOS®.

    These start up scripts are located in the bin directory of your Diffusion installation.