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Start subscribing with iOS

Create an Objective-C iOS® client within minutes that connects to the Diffusion™ server. This example creates a client that prints the value of a topic to the console when the topic is updated.

To complete this example, you need Apple's Xcode installed on your development system and a Diffusion server.

You also require either a named user that has a role with the select_topic and read_topic permissions or that anonymous client connections are assigned a role with the select_topic and read_topic permissions. For example, the "CLIENT" role. For more information about roles and permissions, see Role-based authorization.

This example steps through the lines of code required to subscribe to a topic and was created using Xcode version 7.1 and the Diffusion dynamically linked framework targeted at iOS 8.

Skip to the full example.

  1. Get the Diffusion Apple® SDK for iOS.
    The diffusion-iphoneos-version.zip file is located in the clients directory of your Diffusion installation.
    This example uses the iOS framework provided in diffusion-iphoneos-version.zip. Frameworks are also available for OS X®/macOS®-targeted development in diffusion-macosx-version.zip and tvOS™-targeted development in diffusion-tvos-version.zip.
  2. Extract the contents of the diffusion-iphoneos-version.zip file to your preferred location for third-party SDKs for use within Xcode.
    For example, ~/Documents/code/SDKs/diffusion-iphoneos-version.
  3. Create a new project in Xcode.
    1. From the File menu, select New > Project...
      The Choose a template for your new project wizard opens.
    2. Select iOS > Application on the left.
    3. Select Single View Application on the right and click Next.
      Xcode prompts you to Choose options for your new project.
    4. Configure your project appropriately for your requirements.

      Select Objective-C as the Language.

      For example, use the following values:

      • Product Name: TestClient
      • Language: Objective-C
      • Devices: Universal

      For this example, it is not necessary to select Use Core Data, Include Unit Tests, or Include UI Tests.

    5. Click the Next button.
      Xcode prompts you to select a destination directory for your new project.
    6. Select a target directory.
      For example: ~/Documents/code/
    7. Click the Create button.
      Xcode creates a new project that contains the required files.
  4. Import the Diffusion framework, Diffusion.framework, into Xcode.
    1. From the View menu, select Navigators > Show Project Navigator
    2. Select the root node of the project in the Project Navigator in the left sidebar.
      The project editor opens in the main panel.
    3. In the project editor, click on the project name at the top left and select Targets > TestClient.
      The target editor opens in the main panel.
    4. In the target editor, select the General tab.
    5. Expand the Embedded Binaries section and click the + icon (Add Items).
      The Choose items to add wizard opens.
    6. Click the Add Other... button.
    7. Navigate to the location of the expanded Diffusion.framework SDK for iOS8 and click Open.
      Xcode prompts you to choose options for adding these files.
    8. Select the options you require for adding the files and click Finish

      Unless you require different options, use the following values:

      • Do not select Copy items if needed.
      • Select Create groups.
  5. Make the framework visible to your code.
    Despite the framework now appearing under both Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries, it is still necessary to tell Xcode where the header files for the framework can be found.
    1. Select the Build Settings tab in the target editor.
      You can also do this at project level if you prefer and depending on your requirements.
    2. Click on All to display All Build Settings.
    3. Expand the Search Paths section.
    4. Expand the Framework Search Paths section and click the + icon next to Release.
      Add the absolute path to the iOS8 directory that contains Diffusion.framework.
      Note: Ensure that you use the path to the directory, not to the Diffusion.framework file. Linking to the file causes a silent failure.
  6. Import the Diffusion module into the ViewController.h file.
    @import Diffusion;
  7. In the ViewController.m file, create a connection to the Diffusion server.
    1. Define a long-lived session property.
      Add the session instance to the class extension to maintain a strong reference to the session instance:
      @interface ViewController ()
      @property PTDiffusionSession* session;

      The strong reference ensures that once the session instance has been opened, it remains open.

    2. Open a session connection to the Diffusion server.

      This example opens the session when the view controller loads.

      - (void)viewDidLoad {
          [super viewDidLoad];
          // Connect anonymously.
          // Replace 'hostname' with that of your server.
          [PTDiffusionSession openWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://hostname"]
                        completionHandler:^(PTDiffusionSession *session, NSError *error)
              if (!session) {
                  NSLog(@"Failed to open session: %@", error);
              // At this point we now have a connected session.
              // Maintain strong reference to session instance.
              self.session = session;
      Replace hostname with the host name of your Diffusion server.
  8. Subscribe to a topic.
    1. In the ViewController.h file, conform to the topic stream delegate protocol.

      In this example, the single view controller class handles topic stream update messages.

      @interface ViewController : UIViewController <PTDiffusionTopicStreamDelegate>
    2. In the ViewController.h file, create a UILabel control.

      Add a label to your user interface and bind it to an outlet in the view controller:

      @property(nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *counterLabel;

      This label is used to display the value of the topic as it updates.

    3. In the ViewController.m file, implement the topic stream update method.

      This is a required method in the topic stream delegate protocol.

      -(void)diffusionStream:(PTDiffusionStream *)stream
          didUpdateTopicPath:(NSString *)topicPath
                     content:(PTDiffusionContent *)content
                     context:(PTDiffusionUpdateContext *)context {
          // Interpret the received content's data as a string.
          NSString *counterString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:content.data
          // Diffusion sends messages to delegates on the main dispatch queue so it's
          // safe to update the user interface here.
          self.counterLabel.text = counterString;
    4. In the ViewController.h file, within the session's completionHandler callback, register with the Topics feature as the fallback topic stream handler.
      [session.topics addFallbackTopicStreamWithDelegate:self];
    5. Next, request that the Diffusion server subscribe your session to the foo/counter topic.
          [session.topics subscribeWithTopicSelectorExpression:@"foo/counter"
                                             completionHandler:^(NSError *error)
              if (error) {
                  NSLog(@"Subscribe request failed. Error: %@", error);
              } else {
                  NSLog(@"Subscribe request succeeded.");
  9. Build and Run.

The client app updates the label every time the value of the foo/counter topic is updated. You can update the value of the foo/counter topic by creating a publishing client to update the topic. To create and publish to the foo/counter topic, you require a user with the modify_topic and update_topic permissions. For more information, see Start publishing with OS X/macOS.

Full example

The completed view controller implementation for the subscribing client contains the following code.

@import UIKit;

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <PTDiffusionTopicStreamDelegate>
@property(nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *counterLabel;
#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()
@property PTDiffusionSession* session;

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];


    // Connect anonymously.
    // Replace 'hostname' with that of your server.
    [PTDiffusionSession openWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://hostname"]
                  completionHandler:^(PTDiffusionSession *session, NSError *error)
        if (!session) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to open session: %@", error);

        // At this point we now have a connected session.

        // Maintain strong reference to session instance.
        self.session = session;

        // Register self as the fallback handler for topic updates.
        [session.topics addFallbackTopicStreamWithDelegate:self];

        [session.topics subscribeWithTopicSelectorExpression:@"foo/counter"
                                           completionHandler:^(NSError *error)
            if (error) {
                NSLog(@"Subscribe request failed. Error: %@", error);
            } else {
                NSLog(@"Subscribe request succeeded.");

-(void)diffusionStream:(PTDiffusionStream *)stream
    didUpdateTopicPath:(NSString *)topicPath
               content:(PTDiffusionContent *)content
               context:(PTDiffusionUpdateContext *)context {
    // Interpret the received content's data as a string.
    NSString *counterString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:content.data

    // Diffusion sends messages to delegates on the main dispatch queue so it's
    // safe to update the user interface here.
    self.counterLabel.text = counterString;
