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Silverlight client test tool

The Silverlight® client test tool is a Silverlight application that uses the PushTechnology.Transports assembly. This tool enables the user to perform various diagnostic functions without having to build a new Silverlight application.

The following screenshot shows the connection tab of the test tool:

Figure 1. Silverlight test tool: Connection tab
Screenshot of the Connection tab of the Silverlight client. The tab has the following sections: Transports, Connection, Topics, Credentials, Information, and Miscellaneous. The Transports section has a dropdown list of Types; TCP is selected. The Connection section has the following fields: Host, Port, URL, reconnects, seconds gap, and transport timeouts. It also has the buttons Connect and Disconnect. The Topics section has a topics dropdown list and the buttons Subscribe and Unsubscribe. The Credentials section has the fields "User name" and "Password" and the button "Send". The Information section has the following fields: Client Id, Client Protocol, Transport, and Server Protocol.

Once connected to a Diffusion™ server, you can send messages to any subscribed topic. The Diffusion publisher then receives this message and notifies the messageFromClient method in the publisher. The requested encoding can be set, as well as any user headers.

Figure 2. Silverlight test tool: Send tab
Screenshot of the Send tab of the Silverlight client. The tab shows fields that can be used to create and send a message. The following fields are shown: topic, encoding, request message acknowledgment, encoding, headers, and message. The tab has the button "Send".

Received messages are displayed in a hierarchical format:

Figure 3. Silverlight test tool: Messages tab
Screenshot of the Messages tab. The tab shows an expanded tree view. The tree contains the following topic: Trade, Diffusion, Diffusion/Logs, Diffusion/Clients, and Diffusion/Webstats. The messages received on each topic are shown beneath the topic.