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DEPRECATED: JavaScript client test tool

The JavaScript® test tool allows the user to connect to a publisher and test the API.

The JavaScript test tool is browser based and can be found in the Root Menu of your Diffusion™ installation. It allows for different types of connections. The test tool also allows for Subscribing, Unsubscribing and Fetching against topic sets.

Fetch Correlation allows user headers to be passed with a fetch request which is reflected back to the client in the response message. This allows the client to be able to associate replies with requests. The JavaScript client API has a new headers parameter on the fetch methods. See API documentation for changes to the API specification. No changes are required to publishers to benefit from this.

Figure 1. JavaScript test tool
Screenshot of the JavaScript client. The left panel contains the following sections: Server details (host and port), Credentials (username and password), Transport (WS, Flash, Silverlight, XHR, iFrame), and Options (Debug mode, which is selected). The left panel also has buttons "Connect", "Disconnect", and "Reconnect". The right panel shows fields that are used to send a message. The following fields are shown: Topic, Repeat times, Frequency, is Ack Required, Timeout, and message content. The right panel also has the buttons "Send" and "SendAck".