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DEPRECATED: Java™ client test tool

The external client test tool is a swing application that enables the user to connect, using credentials if required to a Diffusion™ server.

The tool is found in the Tools folder in your Diffusion installation, and is run from the command line using either extclient.bat or extclient.sh.

It allows for many different connection types (for example, HTTP / DPTS, WebSocket). Once connected the user can subscribe and unsubscribe to topics or topic selectors. It is also possible to issue a server ping from this client. The ping response displays the elapsed time, the average and the current queue size for this client.

Figure 1. External client tester: Connection tab
Screenshot of the Connection tab. The tab shows a list of URLs that include the transport protocol. The tab also shows a list of properties: Auto Failover, Load Balance, Auto Ack, and Cascade. The tab has buttons Connect, Disconnect and Reconnect.

You can connect to Diffusion securely. In order for the external client to work in secure mode, a certificate must be installed on the client machine. To aid in installing the certificate, there is an option under the file menu called Load Cert. This connects to Diffusion and detail instructions on how to install the newly created jssecerts file.

After subscribing to a topic, the client can send messages to that topic. The publisher receives this message and notify the messageFromClient method in the publisher. It is also possible to set the message encoding type and any user headers if required.

Figure 2. External client tester: Send tab
Screenshot of the Send tab. The tab shows fields that can be used to create and send a message. The following fields are shown: Topic, encoding, timeout, ack required, headers, and message. The tab has the buttons "Send", "Stop", and "Fetch".

Messages are displayed in a tree format. It is not a true hierarchic tree, as each topic has its own node directly off the root node.

Figure 3. External client tester: Messages tab
Screenshot of the Messages tab. The tab shows an expanded tree view. The tree contains the following topics: Echo and Trade. The messages are displayed below the topics they were sent on.

It is also possible to examine a message by double clicking it

Figure 4. External client tester: Message details window
Screenshot of the Message Details window. The window shows the content of the message in Text or Hex. The Text tab is selected and the text content of the message is shown.