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Messaging to topic paths

A client can use the Messaging feature to send individual messages to a handler that has registered to receive messages on a topic path.

Sending messages to clients

Required permissions: send_to_message_handler

A client can send a message to a topic path, regardless of whether a topic is bound to that topic path. The messages are delivered to a handler that has registered to receive messages on that topic path.

The body of the message that is sent is represented as bytes. Any of the builder features can be used to build a message as content, JSON, or binary. With messaging you can also send an empty message.

When sending a message certain additional options can also be specified:
A set of string values that can be sent along with the content.
Use this to specify the priority used when queuing the message for the client at the Diffusion™ server.

If it is a publisher that has registered to receive a message on a topic, the message is mapped to a delta TopicMessage.

Listen for messages on a topic path

A client can specify a listener that receives messages sent to the client on a topic path.