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Compile the C client libraries with Visual Studio 2015

On Windows™, the C client libraries must be compiled using the Visual C Compiler 2013. If you are using Visual Studio 2015, you must configure it to use the older compiler. There is no way to compile the client libraries with Visual Studio 2017.

These steps assume you have Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition installed.
  1. Make sure you have the Windows 8.1 SDK and Windows 8.0/8.1 Tools component installed within Visual Studio 2015.
    You can do this by going to the Control Panel and selecting Programs and Features or Add/Remove Programs, then right-clicking on Visual Studio 2015 and selecting Change. Alternatively, run the Visual Studio 2015 installer again.
  2. Create a new project using File > New > Project.
  3. In the panel at left that shows a list of templates, expand Installed > Visual C++ and click Win32.
  4. Select Win32 Console Application, then click OK.
  5. The Win32 Application Wizard opens. Click Next.
  6. Select Empty project and disable Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) checks, then click Finish.
  7. Open the project's Properties and under Platform Toolset, select Visual Studio 2013.
  8. In the pane at left, expand C/C++ and click Advanced. Under Compile As, select Compile as C Code (/TC)
  9. Set up the include directories.
    1. In the pane at left, click VC++ Directories.
    2. Click the Include Directories pulldown and select Edit.
    3. Add the paths to these directories within your Diffusion™ installation.
      • /examples/c/include
      • /examples/c/dependencies/openssl/x86/include
      • /examples/c/dependencies/pcre/x86/include
    4. Click OK.
  10. Set up the library directories.
    1. Under VC++ Directories, click Library Directories and select Edit.
    2. Add the paths to these directories within your Diffusion installation.
      • /examples/c/lib/x86
      • /examples/c/dependencies/openssl/x86/lib
      • /examples/c/dependencies/pcre/x86/lib
      • /examples/c/dependencies/pcre/x86
    3. Click OK.
  11. Set up the preprocessor definitions.
    1. Under C/C++, click Preprocessor and edit the Preprocessor Definitions.
    2. Add these options.
      • _LIB
    3. Click OK.
  12. Set up additional dependencies.
    1. Expand Linker and click Input. Add the following additional dependencies.
      • uci.lib
      • libeay32.lib
      • ssleay32.lib
      • pcre3.lib
      • rpcrt4.lib
      • mswsock.lib
      • ws2_32.lib
    2. Click OK.
  13. Under C/C++, click Code Generation and set Runtime Library to Multi-threaded DLL (/MD), then click OK.

Visual Studio 2015 should now be set up to compile projects using the Diffusion C libraries.

Try compiling one of the C examples from /examples/c within your Diffusion install folder by adding it to the project using Add > Existing Item.