Diffusion Apple API  5.9.24
Unified Client Library for iOS, OS X and tvOS
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Diffusion Unified client library interfaces and protocols:
oCPTDiffusionBinaryAn immutable binary value with support for binary deltas
oCPTDiffusionBinaryDeltaAn immutable delta describing the differences between two binary values
oC<PTDiffusionBinaryValueStreamDelegate>Methods implemented by classes handling streamed events for binary value topics
oCPTDiffusionBytesA value that is internally represented as binary data
oCPTDiffusionContentContent can represent the state of a topic
oCPTDiffusionCredentialsCredentials contain the proof material to support an authentication request
oCPTDiffusionCustomTopicAttributesAttributes specific to custom topics
oC<PTDiffusionCustomTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which custom topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionEnumerationBase class for objects offering a selection of predefined constant values
oCPTDiffusionFeatureA feature is a unit of functionality that is available to a client session
oC<PTDiffusionFetchStreamDelegate>The fetch stream delegate protocol defines the methods to be implemented by classes wishing to receive responses to topic fetch requests
oCPTDiffusionFieldA field represents a single value in a record
oCPTDiffusionFieldMetadataField metadata describes a data item that can have a value
oCPTDiffusionJSONAn immutable JSON value with support for both binary and JSON deltas
oC<PTDiffusionJSONValueStreamDelegate>Methods implemented by classes handling streamed events for JSON value topics
oCPTDiffusionLoggingLogging provides access to debug information that can be enabled at runtime
oCPTDiffusionLoggingLevelA level of information events useful for debugging
oCPTDiffusionMessageStreamA message stream represents an asynchronous, variable length feed of message events from the Diffusion server
oC<PTDiffusionMessageStreamDelegate>The message stream delegate protocol defines the methods to be implemented by classes wishing to receive messages
oCPTDiffusionMessagingFeatureThe Messaging feature provides a client session with messaging capabilities
oCPTDiffusionMetadataMetadata is the base interface for both record and field metadata definition nodes
oC<PTDiffusionMissingTopicHandler>Handler called when a client session subscribes or fetches using a topic selector that matches no topics
oCPTDiffusionMissingTopicNotificationNotification that a session has made a request using a selector that does not match any topics
oCPTDiffusionMultiplicityMultiplicity describes the number of times that a metadata node may occur within its parent
oCPTDiffusionMutableSendOptionsMutable send options can be modified prior to being associated with sending content
oCPTDiffusionMutableSessionConfigurationA mutable session configuration can be modified prior to being used to define behaviour and policies to use when connection to Diffusion
oCPTDiffusionNumberFieldMetadataNumber field metadata describes a data item that can have a numerical value
oCPTDiffusionPagedRecordTopicAttributesAttributes specific to paged record topics
oC<PTDiffusionPagedRecordTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which paged record topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionPagedRecordTopicOrderingPolicyDescribes a paged record ordering policy
oCPTDiffusionPagedRecordTopicOrderKeyAn order key that specifies the sort ordering for a particular field within a record
oCPTDiffusionPagedRecordTopicSchemaSchema for paged record topics
oCPTDiffusionPagedStringTopicAttributesAttributes specific to paged string topics
oC<PTDiffusionPagedStringTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which paged string topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionPagedStringTopicOrderingPolicyDescribes a paged string ordering policy
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicAttributesAttributes specific to paged topics
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicCollationRulesRules as specified by the Java implementation of RuleBasedCollator
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicComparatorOrderingPolicyDescribes an ordering policy when using a comparator
oC<PTDiffusionPagedTopicDetailsBuilder>All paged topic details builders conform to this protocol
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicDuplicatesSpecifies the duplicates handling policy for paged topics when operating in ordered mode
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicOrderIndicates a sort ordering within a paged topic ordering policy
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicOrderingThe ordering for the lines in a paged topic
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicOrderingPolicyRepresents an ordered ordering policy
oCPTDiffusionPagedTopicRulesRules to be applied when order data for a paged topic
oCPTDiffusionPingDetailsDetails returned in response to a ping to the server
oCPTDiffusionPingsFeatureThe Pings feature provides a client session with the ability to ping the server
oCPTDiffusionProtocolBufferTopicAttributesAttributes specific to protocol buffer topics
oCPTDiffusionProtocolBufferTopicSchemaSchema for protocol buffer topics
oCPTDiffusionProtocolBufferTopicUpdateModeThe update mode for protocol buffer topics
oCPTDiffusionReceiveContextA receive context provides additional contextual information for received content
oCPTDiffusionRecordA record is a collection of fields
oCPTDiffusionRecordContentRecord content is a collection of records
oCPTDiffusionRecordContentSchemaA record content schema describes a data item that can represent a collection of records
oCPTDiffusionRecordMetadataRecord metadata describes a data item that can represent a collection of fields
oCPTDiffusionRecordTopicAttributesAttributes specific to record topics
oC<PTDiffusionRecordTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which record topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionRecordTopicSchemaSchema for record topics
oCPTDiffusionRoutingTopicAttributesAttributes specific to routing topics
oC<PTDiffusionRoutingTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which routing topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionSecurityFeatureThe Security feature provides a client session with the ability to change the associated principal
oCPTDiffusionSendOptionsSend options are associated with sending content
oCPTDiffusionServiceTopicAttributesAttributes specific to service topics
oCPTDiffusionSessionA session represents a single connection to a single Diffusion server
oCPTDiffusionSessionConfigurationA session configuration defines behavior and policies to use when connecting to Diffusion
oCPTDiffusionSessionDefaultErrorHandlerThe default error handler which simply logs errors to the system log
oCPTDiffusionSessionDelayedReconnectionStrategyDelayed is a default reconnection strategy supplied with the client library
oC<PTDiffusionSessionErrorHandler>The session error handler protocol defines the interface for handling unexpected failure conditions encountered once a session has been established
oCPTDiffusionSessionIdA session id is a unique session identifier, allocated by the server
oCPTDiffusionSessionImmediateAbortReconnectionStrategyImmediate abort is a default reconnection strategy supplied with the client library
oCPTDiffusionSessionReconnectionAttemptA session reconnection attempt can either be started or aborted
oC<PTDiffusionSessionReconnectionStrategy>The session reconnection strategy protocol defines the behaviour for a session when recovering a failed connection
oCPTDiffusionSessionStateSession state represents the condition a session has in respect of connectivity to a Diffusion server
oCPTDiffusionSessionStateChangeA session state change represents a change in a session's state
oC<PTDiffusionSingleValueTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which single value topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionSingleValueTopicSchemaSchema for single value topics
oCPTDiffusionSlaveTopicAttributesAttributes specific to slave topics
oC<PTDiffusionSlaveTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which slave topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionStreamA stream represents an asynchronous, variable length feed of updates from the Diffusion server
oC<PTDiffusionStreamDelegate>The stream delegate protocol defines the methods to be implemented by classes wishing to receive streaming updates
oCPTDiffusionStringFieldMetadataString field metadata describes a data item that can have a textual value
oC<PTDiffusionSubscriberStreamDelegate>Methods implemented by classes handling streamed subscription events for value topics
oCPTDiffusionTopicAddFailReasonThe reason for failure to add a Topic
oCPTDiffusionTopicAttributesAttributes applicable to all topic types
oCPTDiffusionTopicControlFeatureThe Topic Control feature provides a client session with the ability to manage topics
oCPTDiffusionTopicDetailsTopic details describe a topic
oC<PTDiffusionTopicDetailsBuilder>All topic details builders conform to this protocol
oCPTDiffusionTopicDetailsLevelThe level of detail to request when getting topic details
oC<PTDiffusionTopicEventListener>Listener for topic events from the server
oCPTDiffusionTopicNotifyTopicAttributesAttributes specific to topic notify topics
oC<PTDiffusionTopicNotifyTopicDetailsBuilder>The protocol to which topic notify topic details builders conform
oCPTDiffusionTopicSchemaBase class which has no specific information associated with it
oCPTDiffusionTopicSelectorA topic selector identifies one or more topics
oCPTDiffusionTopicsFeatureThe Topics feature provides a client session with the capability to receive streamed topic updates and/or fetch the state of topics
oCPTDiffusionTopicSpecificationThe specification of a topic
oCPTDiffusionTopicStreamA topic stream represents an asynchronous, variable length feed of subscription, value and delta events from the Diffusion server
oC<PTDiffusionTopicStreamDelegate>The topic stream delegate protocol defines the methods to be implemented by classes wishing to receive streamed topic updates
oCPTDiffusionTopicTreeRegistrationA reference to a handler registered for a particular topic path
oC<PTDiffusionTopicTreeRegistrationDelegate>Common protocol for delegates that establish a server side control presence for the client session at a particular branch of the topic tree
oCPTDiffusionTopicUpdateControlFeatureThe topic update control feature provides a client session with the capability to update topics at the server
oCPTDiffusionTopicUpdaterA topic updater provides methods for an update source to update topics
oC<PTDiffusionTopicUpdateSource>A source of updates which may be registered in order to update parts of the topic tree
oCPTDiffusionUpdateContextAn update context provides additional detail associated with a content update
oCPTDiffusionValueStreamA value stream represents an asynchronous, variable length feed of subscription and value updates from the Diffusion server
\CPTDiffusionVersionA version represents a released build of the client library