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Detecting connection problems

A client can automatically detect if there are problems with its connection to Diffusion™ Cloud and take action to handle any disconnection.

When a client detects that it has become disconnected from Diffusion Cloud, the session state changes from CONNECTED to one of the following states:
  • If reconnection is enabled at the client and at Diffusion Cloud, the session state changes to RECOVERING.
  • If reconnection is not enabled, the session state changes to DISCONNECTED.

The client can detect that it has become disconnected from Diffusion Cloud using the following methods:

Monitoring the connection activity

The client automatically monitors the activity between the client and Diffusion Cloud and uses this information to quickly discover any connection problems.

Using TCP state

Depending on the transport the client uses to connect to Diffusion Cloud, the client can use the TCP state to detect whether to change its state from CONNECTED to one of RECOVERING or DISCONNECTED.
  • WebSocket: The client uses the TCP state to detect whether to trigger a state change.
  • HTTP Polling: The client uses the TCP state at certain points during an HTTP request to detect whether to trigger a state change.