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Best practice for developing clients

Follow these best practises to develop resilient and well performing clients.

Use an asynchronous programming model

All calls in the Diffusion™ API are asynchronous. Ensure that you code your client using asynchronous models to gain the advantages this provides.

Asynchronous calls remove the possibility of your client becoming blocked on a call. The Diffusion API also provides context-specific callbacks, enabling you to pass contextual information with a callback, and a wide range of event notifications.

Write good callbacks

The Diffusion API invokes callbacks using a thread from Diffusion Cloud thread pool. Callbacks for a particular session are called in order, one at a time. Consider the following when writing callbacks:
  • Do not sleep or call blocking operations in a callback. If you do so, other pending callbacks for the session are delayed. If you must call a blocking operation, schedule it in a separate application thread.
  • You can use the full Diffusion Cloud API to make other requests to Diffusion Cloud. If you want to make many requests based on a single callback notification, be aware that Diffusion Cloud client flow control is managed differently in callback threads. Less throttling is applied and it is easier to overflow Diffusion Cloud by issuing many thousands of requests. If you have a lot of requests to make, it is better to schedule the work in an application thread.

Use a modular design

The Diffusion API provides interfaces on a feature-by-feature basis. There is a clear delineation between features. At runtime, the client starts only those services that it uses.

You can take advantage of the modular design of the Diffusion API by designing multiple smaller and more modular control clients. Smaller modules are easier to design, maintain and keep running. Develop separate clients for different control responsibilities. For example, have a client or set of clients responsible for authentication and a different client or set of clients responsible for creating topics.

Also consider separating the responsibility for different parts of the topic tree between clients. For example, have a client or set of clients responsible for updating the Tennis branch of the topic tree and a different client or set of clients responsible for updating the Rugby branch of the topic tree.

Make your client resilient and defensive

If Diffusion Cloud restarts, all topic information — tree structure and topic state — is removed, all subscription information is removed, and all clients are disconnected. Security and authentication information is persisted.

If your client disconnects and cannot reconnect to the same session, all of its subscriptions and any handlers it has registered are lost.

Ensure that you program your clients to handle and respond to these possibilities.